Time to be honest…I am really jealous of my flowers

This may sound really odd but there are times when I am really jealous of my flowers…really green with envy as a matter of fact. You see they are like my babies, every little stem placed into a design with care and pride, and then staged oh so beautifully on tables and carried down aisles all over this beautiful province.

So what is the jealous thing I am talking about? Well let me tell you, my flowers and designs are witness to amazing things. They see the pride in a father’s eyes the first time he sees his child on their wedding day, the tears in a bride’s eyes when she attaches her grandmother’s rosary or grandfather’s tie to her bouquet, they feel the couples exhale as they prepare to see their partner for the first time, they quiver with nervous anticipation as they prepare to walk down the aisle and get raised high in the air with joy when the couple is first introduced.

They are perfectly lit by candles as family and friends laugh and chat across them or are raised high with a view of the couple cuddling in their chairs surrounded by the most important people in their lives. Wouldn’t you be jealous too?

Henjofilms as captured the love that my designs witness perfectly in Laura & Mark’s wedding film…grab your tissues….

